Bird Control

Reasons for Bird Control


DiseaseBirds and their droppings are associated with dissemination of the causative agents of a large number of diseases that can affect humans. The resulting illnesses can be severe and can last for months and can lead to death.

These diseases can be divided into two categories: Air-Borne Diseases (e.g. ornithosis) and Food-Borne Diseases (e.g. ecoli). Illness from air-borne diseases can be contracted through exposure to infected birds, their dry droppings and nesting materials. An infested warehouse or supermarket would be at most risk from food borne diseases.

Health and Safety

Health and SafetyBird droppings are a serious slip hazard so it is imperative that organizations take action to prevent injury and the likelihood of being sued from the injured party. Gulls are becoming an increasing problem, where there have been instances of people being attacked. Also there is the danger of birds nesting in air-conditioning units and on flues of buildings, resulting in the accumulation of noxious gases being emitted into the building.

Property Damage

Property DamageBird droppings are very acidic and can cause accelerated deterioration of stonework and corrosion of metals. Also the accumulation of nesting materials can block gutters, leading to flooding and water damage. Birds can also directly damage window seals and roofing materials.

Public Image

Public ImageWhere birds roost, nest or perch, they generally leave fouling. The fouling might smell unpleasant and negatively affect the look of the building and put off potential customers.

Cost of Cleaning

Cost of CleaningCompanies can spend a vast amount of money and time continually cleaning bird droppings of their buildings. Huge long term savings can be made by investing AVIPOINT™ bird spikes. Contact Us


“Identification, Problem Assessment, Products and Installation” is the first of two courses offered under the “Business of Bird Management”. This can be taken individual unit or in conjunction with the second unit on “Business and marketing”. It is intended both as an update for those presently involved in bird management as well as providing entry point information to those individuals new to the field of bird management.
Birds are intelligent creatures and can overwhelm a prevention system if it is not used in the correct application. Many bird management jobs fail simply because the installer does not understand the pest bird they are fighting or because the wrong product is chosen or incorrectly installed. Simply put, there is a lot more to bird management than using just one product to solve every problem or installing and walking away forever. Plus, the public is no longer willing to endorse the killing of pest birds; they are looking for humane solutions to their problems.

Dominant bird pest species in Australia include pigeons, starlings, mynahs and sparrows.

Columba livia.

IbisAustralian White Ibis and other water fowl.

SwallowSwallow Hirundo pyrrhonota & Hirundo rustica.

SparrowSparrow Passer domesticus.

Indian MynahIndian Mynah Acridotheres tristis.

StarlingStarling Sturnus vulgaris.

Sea GullSea Gull Larus novaehollandiae.

Other pest species can include:

  • Cockatoo sp.
  • Crows and Ravens
  • Pied Currawongs
  • Native parrot sp.
  • Geese and ducks – native & exotic
  • And more.

Excessive numbers can ensure that many native and exotic bird species can become a problem.  Knowledge of local legislation and correct bird species identification will assist you assessing problems and supplying appropriate management strategies.

Damage and Disease

Many companies have struggle with the impact of birds on their buildings and facilities. Pest birds can affect such sites through physical damage, food contamination, spread of disease, respiratory problems and other illnesses and finally damage to buildings, vehicles and other machinery. Most however, people fail to realise that bird droppings and nests are not only an annoyance, they also damage buildings, machinery, paint finishes and even neon signs.
There’s more to a proper clean-up than just hitting it with a hose. Pest Managers need to learn all there is to know about sanitising a site. Birds and their droppings can spread more than 60 serious diseases to humans and pets (for example see Kielstien et al 2000). Pest bird managers need to be aware of the dangers of working with birds. These include the related bird diseases, as well as to take precautions not to minimise inhalation of fine particles of dry bird dropping. Other safety issues to be aware of include those that relate to working at heights as is required in many bird jobs.

Biology and Behaviour

There are a number of simple concepts that must be recognised in order to manage bird populations. These relate to the behavioural characteristic of individual and flocking pest birds. “Bird pressure” is a methodology by which the behaviour and commitment of birds to a site can be understood. The level of pressure on a site is classified and appropriate mitigation techniques applied. Techniques that can be used to manage populations include physical exclusion devices and deterrents to minimise or eliminate bird-grain interaction.

Bird Pressure

“Bird pressure” is an extensively applied and proven methodology in the urban setting. It is also adaptable to the rural environment. This approach is successful in both problem identification and the presentation of mitigation options in most cases. The basis of bird pressure relies firstly on the observation of bird behavior. The best approach to mitigating pest bird problems is then determined based heavily upon the level of commitment that the individual, small group or flock birds have to the site. The level of commitment to a site is of such importance because it is largely this factor that will determine the birds ability and desire to reclaim their former territory once a management system has been put in place. Bird pressure is a classification of the site, and in most cases a grain storage facility offers extreme bird pressure. Classic situation of extreme bird pressure in grain storage facilities include:

  • Building/s that offer overnight shelter.
  • Building with relatively easy access to birds during some or all day and night.
  • Beam type structures with platforms, struts and channels for birds to nest and roost.
  • Abundant food and water sources that are difficult to eliminate, clean or control.
  • Machinery and other structures that offer warmth throughout cold evenings in rural locations.
  • Building roof tops and silos where birds can congregate to gain warmth from the sun in both early mornings and late afternoon when emerging or heading to roosting sites respectively.
  • Elevated and protected areas to congregate waiting for food opportunities to be presented.

When a facility offers a population of birds all the basic needs required such as food, water and shelter, the flock size can grow rapidly. If left unchecked in a suitable climate, a pair of birds of a highly fecund species such as sparrows can multiply to 2000 within the space of 12 to 18 months.

Once the bird pressure has been determined there are a host of control methods that can be applied. These include one or combinations of exclusion, physical deterrents, acoustic, ultrasonic and scare devices. Other approaches include population reduction methods such as trapping, shooting, poisoning (Avicides), irritants and taste deterrents. No single method alone is able to offer a suitable result. When used in combination, however, a series of methods may form a highly successful management program. Such a program is likely to incorporate requirements for facility operators to increase housekeeping regimes, make alterations so that there is reduced bird access to food, make regular observation of bird population’s size and behaviour, and remain constantly vigil (McCarthy, 2003).


There are significant differences between rural and urban situations, including the nature of the physical structures involved, and it is these that determine the most appropriate mitigation methods. Whereas in the urban setting bird management is focused around domestic homes, retail centres, major buildings, factories and food processing and manufacturing facilities. In the rural area structures requiring attention include manufacturing facilities, silos, trucks, machinery and open fields. An additional problem in regard to storage facilities often located in rural setting is the huge quantity of produce in a single location and the great variety of food stored there, and as such both a range of species and large pest bird populations are likely to be attracted to a site, resulting in immense problems.

In addition, in the context of rural setting, native species such as cockatoos may add to present the challenges. The differences in structures, species and problems that is encountered both between and within rural and urban areas means that there is a great need for a structured methodology to approaching the problem of pest bird management. Without such a methodology there is a risk that mistakes and flawed approaches will be repeated, that valuable commodities will be lost, and that adequate management of potential disease will not occur.

There are products to help solve bird management problems. The most commonly used of these are bird spikes, stealth netting, bird coil and more (see attached product brochure for details). The field of bird management is a growing area and a range of new products have emerged in recent years, for example the introduction of a third size of (extra wide) spikes ideal for certain scenarios. These also include pneumatic equipment to aid in the installation process, such as pneumatic net ringing devices and gas guns, which make the installation of net faster and more efficient.

At last year’s National Pest Managers Association (NPMA) Convention in Dallas, Bird Barrier introduced its newest product, Bird-Shock Flex-Track. The track comes in fifty-foot rolls, four different colours and has become the company’s most successful product launch ever. Building owners prefer it’s almost invisible qualities, and the professional installer community has found that they can sell jobs for less money due to the fact that it installs quickly and saves on labour costs.

Many bird management job require not only products to deter birds from the site but also use allied support techniques to reduce bird pressure. Depending on the situation, customer preference and legislative issues, these may include trapping, shooting or poisoning of pest birds. Contact Us


Q: Pigeons are nesting under the eaves of my house where one roof overhangs another……….

Birds will fight hard to reclaim an area where they have nested in the past. The only guaranteed way to keep them from coming back is to physically exclude them with netting. The netting must be firmly attached to the perimeter of the area, or else the pigeons will manage their way back in; they’re very committed. We recommend a specially designed, hard-to-see exclusion netting like our StealthNet. If you use chicken wire it will rust and make the problem worse, and if you use plastic netting it will probably not last more than a year or so

Q: How can I keep pigeons from roosting on my neon sign?
There are two products that can help you here. First, Bird Barrier’s Coil can be fastened to signs with long straight ledges. If pigeons have nested, or you have individual letters to protect, you should install Bird-Flite. Bird-Flite”s firm plastic base is easy to work with, and can be glued or screwed to the sign. It’s also available in three different width configurations, depending on the width of the letters. It should be noted that neither of these products will protect your sign against sparrows, just pigeons and larger birds.

Q: Sparrows are nesting and roosting on beams, pipes and other hard to reach areas in our warehouse……..
Keep your doors closed. If that is not possible, then you really have only two viable options: 1) install netting under the entire ceiling using StealthNet, making sure it firmly seals up against the four walls. This will prevent sparrows from flying up to their perches. The netting must be 3/4″ mesh, otherwise the sparrows will fly through the net. 2) If your warehouse is very large and you cannot afford a program as outlined above, you can undertake a program of trapping, harassment and regular nest removal program. Sparrows are persistent birds, however, and most will simply try and try again, and you will end up contributing many man hours to this task, which may cost you more than a solid netting job in the first place.

Q: How can I get behind netting to access lights or equipment once it is installed?
Bird Barrier sells three different access systems: 1) Zippers can be hog-ringed into the netting allowing panels to be removed, doors to be opened, or light bulbs to be changed. We sell high-grade marine grade zippers which can withstand years of sunlight, and remain very functional. A photographic description of this system can be found in StealthNet. 2) Bird Barrier manufactures small “net clips” which are thin stainless steel clips, and can allow area access like the zippers. Net clips are much less visible than zippers, but require more busy work to operate. They are usually ideal for small access needs like light bulbs. 3) The last option is to install the perimeter cable with open hooks, which will actually enable you to remove the entire net system and then replace it. Contact our technical support staff for more information, or see the hardware section of StealthNet.

Q: What’s the best way to keep pigeons off the upper ledge (parapet) of my building?
When you say parapet we assume it’s unprotected (no shelter overhead), and thus not a “roost” or “nesting site” for pigeons. You can use Coil, Birdwire, Bird-Flite or Bird-Shock systems depending upon considerations such as visibility, cost, and ease of installation to keep unwanted pigeons from landing. For light to medium pressure we generally recommend the Coil or the Birdwire. Both products are relatively inexpensive, the Coil is much easier to install, but the Birdwire is less visible than the Coil (both products are literally impossible to detect from 75 feet or more). Both are stainless steel and will last for many years.

Q: How can I keep gulls from landing on my roof?
Gulls are one of the easiest birds to manage because they are large, clumsy, and can only land on flat surfaces due to their flat, webbed feet. Because of these characteristics, they can be kept off you roof using the Daddi Long Legs, which protects large circles on a roof, or Grid-Wire, which is comprised of thin wires suspended in a pattern over the roof, usually from posts mounted on the perimeter of the roof. Products like the Bird-Wailer and Squawker have also been very effective, but they are expensive and can be noisy

Q: How can I keep gulls from flying into an open are like a garbage dump or an open-air restaurant?
Gulls respond well to a concept known as “Grid Wire.” This involves running thin wire in a grid pattern over the area. The wires should be no more than two feet apart from each other, sort of like a large-mesh net. Bird Barrier sells all the components for Grid Wire. If they are not described on this site yet, please call our offices and we’ll mail you a catalog which shows how it’s done.

Q: Starlings absolutely invade the front of our office building, leaving behind lots of nasty droppings……..
Starlings and other small black birds are very difficult to control with conventional ledge products, with the exception of Bird-Shock. The electrical pulse teaches the birds a lesson not to come back. A more complete solution is StealthNet to exclude flocks of starlings from landing on hundreds of buildings like yours. The netting is installed vertically down the face of the building (we call it “face” netting). It is secured by a strong perimeter cable, and will usually provide at least a ten-year solution. People often ask whether this means you would have netting run in front of your windows, and the answer is yes. But, the net is very thin, and when it’s installed correctly (tight as a drum) it is almost impossible to detect. And, if you need access behind the net, zippers can be installed.

Q: Do scare tactics like scary eye balloons, and plastic owls, actually work?
That’s a good question, and the answer is “sometimes.” Scare devices can be effective for short periods of time, like around harvest time at a vineyard. But to just place a plastic owl on your roof and hope for a permanent solution to your problems is a real dream that will not come true. Birds soon realise that the plastic owl does not move or threaten them in any way, and so they move in and actually land on the owls themselves. Scare devices should only be used for short periods of time, and should be reinforced with other management techniques like noise, lights and other distractions

Q: I’ve heard of people spreading sticky gels on ledges……..
Sticky gels have been a part of the bird management industry for about twenty years. While they have been somewhat effective at keeping birds from landing on ledges, they have been known to cause bigger problems than they solved. First and foremost, these gels are very sticky and are hard to remove from buildings (especially when applied to a porous surface like stone or concrete). The gels generally turn black over time thanks to dust, pollution and other airborne matter, making a real mess. Gels also have a bad habit of dripping off the ledge when it gets real hot. Additionally they can entrap small birds (causing them to die slow, painful deaths), and cause all sorts of problems for workers or painters who come across gel-laden ledges.

Q: I’ve seen ads for ultrasonic noise and bird distress call devices, do these work?
Like the question above regarding plastic owls and other scare devices, these products can work for a short period of time, but hardly ever solve the large-scale problems they are advertised for. They can be somewhat effective in some situations, but largely we believe they are not worth the investment. We’ve seen pigeons nesting right next to such devices. If you want to give them a try, please make sure you buy from a reputable company that offers a money-back guarantee if you are not completely satisfied.

Q: Is trapping a good way to get rid of birds that are doing their business on my building?
Trapping is definitely an effective way to remove specific birds that are causing you problems, and Bird Barrier offers a line of traps. But, this should not be considered a long-term solution. If birds are trapped, they literally have to be euthenised, otherwise they will return (remember, pigeons are descendants of homing pigeons). If birds are trapped and euthenised, other birds will simply move in because the situations that attracted your old birds still remain. Bird Barrier only recommends trapping as a way to remove committed birds from an area before permanent exclusion products (like the kind we sell) are installed. You may save more money in the long run by installing permanent products than paying a company to trap your pest birds on a monthly basis.

Q: How can we keep birds out of a large commercial roof-top air conditioning area on our office building?
There’s really only one way, total exclusion using netting. Our StealthNet can be installed over any a.c. system to permanently exclude birds from the area. If the system in installed in a recessed area, the netting can simply be installed over the pit. If the system is raised above the roof, then support cables can be stretched between poles (installed for this purpose), which support a structure made of net. And remember (from question asked above), you can get into these areas by installing zippers or net clips into the netting.

Q: I’ve got a large airplane hangar with lots of beams and pipes which seem to attract lots of pigeons……
You can either spend lots of money and install ledge products (like Bird Barrier’s Bird-Flite on every ledge where the birds perch, or you can install StealthNet under the entire ceiling, excluding birds from flying up to their old familiar perches. Several companies actually specialise in large commercial netting applications like yours, so please contact us and we’ll get you hooked up with reputable companies that can help you.

Q: How can I keep birds from stealing fish from our ponds…….
Actually, they can be netted. StealthNet is available in very large sizes, and will last for a very long time out in the elements (we guarantee it for five years). The real trick is building a strong, affordable cable support system. It all starts with strong posts at regular intervals on either side of the pond, and then strong cables suspended between them. Lastly, the netting is installed, and can be installed in such a way as they can be opened to allow access. This would be considered a very sophisticated job, so please give us a call and we’ll help you any way we can.

Q: How can I keep gulls from landing on large pipes and tops of tanks at a power plant near the ocean?
: Some products are specially designed for such situations where the conventional bird management products will not effectively keep birds out of a crucial area. One such design is that of the unique “Daddi Long Legs”, so named for its spider like appearance. This is a very unique product which will stop gulls from landing on most flat surfaces.

Q: Every spring swallows build mud nests on our building under the eaves…….
First of all, those cute little swallows are protected; it is illegal to remove their nest once they are able to enter it and stay. As you have noticed, they like to nest in 90 degree angles, usually where a wall meets an overhang or ceiling. After the birds leave in the fall you need to remove the nests and install StealthNet in a 45 degree angle to eliminate the 90 degree angle they love so much. You must use the smallest mesh (3/4″) and make sure that you seal off every entry point. Please be sure you do it right after they leave, and not as they are attempting to reclaim their home next spring. If the net is in place when they first arrive they will get the message that they should move on. But, if they are allowed to start rebuilding before you hose down their nest and install netting, they will be more inclined to fight like hell to stay, possibly on a vertical 90 degree angle, which is rare but does happen. Contact Us

The future of bird management is here Bird Shock Flex-Track

Since its introduction in 2004, there has been some significant interest in Bird Shock Flex-Track from Architects, building managers, food services facilities and government departments Australia-wide.

We are please to introduce the latest development in bird management from the bird industry leaders – Bird Barrier and MG Pest Control Services. Bird Shock Flex-Track is a new bird deterrent that is flexible, adaptable and virtually invisible. It is ideal for retail situations where aesthetics are very important and equally for historic buildings where drilling and building damage is undesirable.

Bird Control

Bird Control Services

Bird Control Sydney

Finally, a low profile system that conforms to just about any architectural configuration is available. At only 6mm high, the product is hard to notice close-up and virtually invisible to see from the distance. It cannot be seen when looking up from below. Bird Shock Flex-Track is available in four colours (black, concrete grey, brick red and beige) to blend in with just about any structure. Unlike bird spikes that are only suitable for larger birds, Bird Shock Flex-Track will deter all sizes of pest bird species, from sparrows to pigeons and larger.
Bird-Shock Flex-Track is made from UV stabilized PVC and stainless steel braid. This product will be in service far longer than its five year warranty. The intermittent shock delivered by the solar panel charger does not hurt the birds; it simply teaches them to stay away long-term from the surface treated.

Since Bird Shock Flex-Track’s launch, the first major commercial installations were successfully installed in October 2004. There are now numerous installations in every state of Australia , not to mention thousands of buildings in the USA . Examples of Australian installations include:

  • Sydney Aquarium.
  • Rialto Tower (Melbourne).
  • Domayne (Sydney).
  • Herald Sun Building (Melbourne).
  • Freshwater Apartments (Melbourne).
  • Suncorp Stadium (Brisbane).
  • The Botanica Building (Melbourne).
  • Sutherland Hospital (Sydney).
  • The Australia Museum (Canberra).
  • And many more……

Brief on benefits/comparison of Bird Shock Flex-Track/spikes:

  Bird Shock Flex-Track Spikes
Profile: 6mm 100mm +
Visibility on building: Not visible Moderately visible
Species: All pest bird species Only pigeons, gulls & larger
Ledge covering: Front edge Multiple rows, cover all ledge
Bird Pressure: High Medium
Warranty: 5 years Varies with brand
Maintenance: Annual voltage testing and battery changes (2 years) Regular cleaning of debris and birds nests

StealthNet Technical Information

The twine is knitted into sheets on a net-making machine. A pressure of 5 tons is then applied to the net to stretch it into squares. The net is then heat set in an enclosed system at a temperature of 200 F for 3 minutes.
Standard mesh sizes are 3/4″, 1-1/8″ and 2″, but other mesh sizes can be manufactured. Nets can be custom made in any length or width. For ease of installation, corners and long sides are marked. StealthNet is available in stock colors of Black, Stone (beige) and Translucent, with White available by special order.

Thermal Properties

Softening point in the region of 250º F.

Effect of High Temperature

Melting point in excess of 270º F. Burns with difficulty. May be heated for short periods up to 600º F.

Effect of Low Temperatures

Polyethylene retains its flexibility at very low temperatures and does not become rigid under freezing conditions.


Burns slowly in air (ASTM Test 1.0î/min); fine filaments tend to melt and drop away before propagating a flame.

Chemical Properties

Polyethylene, a paraffin hydrocarbon, is chemically inert and is highly resistant to a wide range of chemicals at ordinary temperatures. It does not rot or absorb water. Polyethylene fibers have a high resistance to acids and alkali’s at all concentrations, but are attacked by nitric acid. Insoluble in most common organic solvents at room temperature.

Electrical Properties

Polyethylene is an outstanding electrical insulator, especially to high frequency currents.

Insects and Micro-organisms

The fibers are not ingested by insects and are completely resistant to bacteria, mildew and other micro-organisms, making them virtually rot proof.

Effects of Wind

Wind passes effortlessly through StealthNet, although smaller mesh sizes are effected by wind to a larger degree.


Six strands of polyethylene, each 12/1000″ (hence the name 12/6), are wrapped rope-like into one strong, rot-resistant, U.V. protected twine. With a breaking strength of 50 lbs per twisted strand, StealthNet is the strongest polyethylene netting available in the world. StealthNet’s U.V.-treatment and color pigmentation are embedded in the composition (not just dipped), making the net more resistant to the effects of the sun with a more consistent coloring throughout. Flame-retardant netting is now available through special order. Call for pricing & specifications. Contact Us

Bird Control Services Sydney

Bird Control Service Sydney

Black, Beige, White
Mesh Sizes:
3/4″ = All Bird Species
2″ = Pigeons
4″ = Gulls

Product Overview

Where to use: Any enclosed or semi-enclosed area, opening or building configuration where pest birds are to be excluded.

Target Bird: All species.
Bird Pressure: Heavy.
Material: Polyethylene twine and steel installation hardware.
Installation: Netting attached to pre-installed cable system.
Ease of Installation: Involved.

  • Effective against all bird species.
  • Highly resistant to ultraviolet (U.V.) rays.
  • Available in a variety of colors.
  • Available in six standard sizes plus custom sizes.
  • Nearly invisible in most situations.
  • Low-profile installation system.
  • Made from high density Polyethylene twine.
  • Twine is twisted and knotted.
  • Flame Resistant (Flame Retardant netting now available!).
  • Will not rot or absorb water.
  • Protecting buildings and structures worldwide.
  • Widely specified on government and historical properties.

Netting Sizes
10 x 10m
10 x 20m
20 x 20m

Custom Sizes are available up to 100 x 200 feet. Custom cutting fees are included in the price of the net.

Installation of Nets

StealthNet is attached to a 2mm perimeter cable which is supported by a wide variety of intermediate and corner attachments designed for masonry, wood or steel. The cable is tensioned using turnbuckles and StealthNet is attached to the cable at each mesh opening using net rings.

Bird Barrier’s StealthNet is the strongest and most versatile bird exclusion system in the world. StealthNet denies pest birds access to literally any architectural configuration, including courtyards, roof tops, overhangs, parking garages, etc.

Almost Invisible StealthNet is available in stock colors of black, stone (beige) and white. The netting is composed of very thin, ultra-strong strands of polyethylene twine.

How to Install StealthNet can be installed using a variety of fastening devices created specifically for your building’s needs. Whether it’s masonry, steel or wood, we offer a discrete suspension system for a maintenance-free, permanent installation.

Long Lasting, 100% Solution StealthNet is manufactured using the most advanced technology in the world, and has been developed to withstand a wide range of environmental conditions. Polyethylene is the most ultra-violet (U.V) resistant netting material available and StealthNet has extra U.V. stabilizers added in its raw materials, creating a net that will last for 10 years or more.

Humane StealthNet provides a harmless and impenetrable barrier against all pest birds.

Bird Pest Control Services

Bird Pest Control Service

Bird Pest Control Sydney

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Call: 1300 545 566 or Submit Your Details For A  FREE Pest Control Quote! 

“We’ll Beat Any Reasonable Quote”


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